Tuesday, October 23, 2007


In my opinion “Strategy” is the most misused word in the world. What is Strategy? Well, I would consider this as a billion dollar question. Is reducing the price strategy? Is increasing number of advertisements strategy? Is launching a much improved product strategy? Is getting into new market strategy? Is increasing the brand equity strategy?... The answer is “Yes and No!”. We have seen all these individual parameters being termed as strategic decision by many corporates today. Are these decisions really strategic? If so, then why are all the companies doing that are not succeeding?Even if we take all the parameters that affect a company or any product ( 4P’s of Kotler,Porters 5 Forces,Jagdish Seths 4 A’s,BCG matrix,GE matrix and what not..!) and if you give all possible combinations and permutations of these parameters and come up with the best combination,is it SURE that your company or product would succeed? Then why the do companies term it as strategic decision, strategic move etc and what does Strategy really mean?I will try some quantitative and qualitative techniques and tools to understand what is strategy?
To put it into simple words ( I am considering about Trade Marking the following Quote  )
“If a company tries and fails it is MISERY;
If a company tries and succeeds it is STRATEGY;
If a company sustains that success it is HISTORY;

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i guess the word strategy has become a commonplace among so many companies..infact it has lost its importance as a word but what i feel it is a combination of factors realised for a certain purpose...be it entering a market,launching a product or sometimes the word 'exit strategy' is often used for i dunno what ? So strategy is more of a devised plan in a competitive environment such that u gain a upperhand over your peers in whatever u r aiming for.