Thursday, October 18, 2007


Remember the school bully who would hog the swing? Asking him to get off because it was your turn would invite a punch or two, and not wanting to be part of that predictable future you preferred to play on the slide instead.
Pure Capitalists argure that this is fair. The bully has the right to use his physical strength to his advantage. If you are smaller in size, then too bad. Learn karate or whatever and then fight him. I can't resist saying this.... you might also get a kick out of it!!
The moderate Capitalists argue that the little guy should also get a chance. They favour the teacher intervening to force him off for sometime to let you on.
Is one view fairer than the other? Which situation would you prefer to be in?
What if you were the bully to begin with?But who do you think is in majority here?.... what about the greater good? there such a thing?

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