Sunday, October 14, 2007

Options and futures -A Insight

Safe returns and minimal loss --thats what a small investor used to dream when he ventures into stock market .But it requires a painstaking effort to have a zest of the lucrative tools and instruments that is available in market
Here is a little insight into such tools - opiton and futures
Option:--A stock option is a contract that gives to its holder the right but mind you not the obligation to buy or sell shares of the underlying security at a specified price on or before a given date
An investor can reap following benefits from options :
1)Protection of stock holdings from a decline in market price
2Increased income against current stock holdings
3)purchase of stock at a lower price
4)Benefit from the big market move without knowing the direction of move
5)Benefit from the rise and fall of the stock without the cost of actually buying or selling the stock
Futures:-The most speculative and risky of all markets in investment arena is the futures market
Futures contract is basically an agreement between the two parties to commits one party to sell a commodity or security to the other at a given price on a specified future date
Futures even confused with options , but important difference exist between the two instruments , in option the buyer purchases the right and only the writer only takes on the obligation on the other hand in futures both the side holds the obligation , it obligate the buyer to buy and seller to sell at a specified price at a specified date
I hope it will not confuses , any queries are cordially invited
Cautious note : Don't Act fast Do Think before investing


Anonymous said...

Very interesting and informative......Praneet

Ashish kumar Tripathi said...

Thanks praneet

Unknown said...

Well dude very good introduction to the ones looking forward to have a peek at Stock Market ......many more examples if illustrated along with the theory would be appreciated...i would expect you to write more about the current trends in Stock market and hopefully someone might pick up a very good idea from your keep writing stuff ..........cos u r the chosen one not choosen one...!!1

Ashish kumar Tripathi said...

Thanks rakesh , surely i will add pragmetic crisp to my blogs regarding finance and stock markets , keep pouring your valuable inputs